"Welcome to my data science journey! I am passionate about using data to drive meaningful change and make a positive impact on the world. I have taken on a variety of projects that have honed my skills and expanded my knowledge. From these experiences, I have learned the importance of approaching data with empathy, ethics, and a solution-focused mindset. I am excited to share with you my progress and accomplishments as I strive towards shaping my career. Let's explore the projects that have shaped my journey together.”

Smart Kitchen

A kitchen where not only the appliances are smart but the kitchen orders groceries for Itself.


I am currently interning with Jio Platforms Limited in the retail domain, where I am working on developing a pricing model for new products.

Academics Projects

  • Deep Learning

    Generating new Pokemon using GAN trained on existing Pokemon species.
    Technology: Deep learning, GAN

  • Time Series Analysis

    Created a report for Beijing air quality index
    Technology: ARIMA, SARIMAX, FB Prophet

  • Machine Learning

    Sepsis prediction employing feature engineering and evaluating multiple trained & unsupervised algorithms six hours before sepsis onset.
    Technology: Supervised & Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms, Feature Engineering

  • Data visualization

    Created Tableau dashboard integrated with python for electricity data.
    Technology: Tableau, Python, PowerPoint

  • Probability

    Predict customer churn from individual datasets prepared for students of Telecom data.
    Technology: Feature Engineering, Regression

  • Big data Engineering

    Using K-means clustering for combining a similar group of people.
    Technology: Spark, MySQL

Many more projects to come.


Let's connect and discuss some interesting ideas.